NET BDD framework for Visual Studio & Rider

The matching is done at runtime, so the generated tests can be compiled and executed even if the binding is not yet implemented. The different types of steps begin with either the Given, When or Then keywords respectively and subsequent steps of the same type can be linked using the And and But keywords. After installing, restart your Visual Studio and create a new project using the SpecFlow template.

  • Helps to test front-end components by isolating the applications into modules that can be tested independently.
  • Below are the steps to generate the step definition is specflow.
  • In the above test it’s quite clear and evident, just by reading, what test would do.
  • Their purpose is to provide a place for you to document important aspects of the feature, such as a brief explanation and a list of business rules .
  • In such cases, the Outside-In method is quite helpful.
  • Automation Tests (NUnit framework + Selenium WebDriver) – This contains the test implementation corresponding to every Scenario.
  • If the step contains accented characters, the method name should also contain the accented characters .

Is more than 4 lines long, consider moving some of the irrelevant details into higher-level steps. Steps, which are run before each scenario, but after any Before hooks. Steps are used to describe an expected outcome, or result. Step, it will configure the system to be in a well-defined state, such as creating and configuring objects or adding data to a test database.


SpecFlow is an open-source testing framework that enables behavior-driven development for .NET applications. It allows developers to write automated acceptance tests in a natural language format that is easily understood by all members of the project team, including non-technical stakeholders. SpecFlow is an open-source version of Cucumber for the .Net framework. Using SpecFlow with Selenium C#, BDD tests can be generated using the Gherkin language and executed using the NUnit test framework. It can also be used with other test frameworks like MSTest, xUnit, etc. Feature files are simple text files that contain Features and Scenarios.

What is the SpecFlow feature

The trailing portion of each step is matched to a code block, called a step definition. Gherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning to executable specifications. Each keyword is translated to many spoken languages; in this reference we’ll use English. Our mission is to provide a pragmatic and frictionless approach to Specification-By-Example for .NET projects.

Scenario Outline¶

Using SpecFlow, users can write tests in Gherkin language, which is a structured language that uses natural language syntax to describe the expected behavior of a software application. Gherkin uses a syntax of keywords and phrases to define scenarios, and each scenario consists of steps in a specific format – Given, When, Then. It offers freedom to users to create feature files without having any technical knowledge, thereafter, a tester binds the Gherkin language to its necessary source code. Therefore, the feature files and the information they hold play a crucial role in overall success of a project.

The next important step in this SpecFlow tutorial is to create Step Definitions for each Scenario Step that is present in the Feature file. For generating the Step Definitions, just Right Click on the Scenario Steps and select ‘Generate Step Definitions’. Remove SpecFlowSingleFileGenerator from the ‘Custom Tool’ field in the Properties section for each feature file. You will witness an error if you try adding more than one of the packages that are used for executing your tests e.g. In case you already have a project that uses the older version of SpecFlow e.g.

What is BDD testing?

Open the project and verify if there are no code files/feature files that are missing. Since we have not yet updated to the latest version of SpecFlow, hence the project should still compile and build. Automation Tests (NUnit framework + Selenium WebDriver) – This contains the test implementation corresponding to every Scenario. Each scenario step will have the corresponding Step definition in the file where the automation tests are implemented. In turn, each Step definition will have a corresponding method/code implementation to which it is bound. SpecFlow tests are written using Gherkin, which allows you to write test cases using natural languages.

What is the SpecFlow feature

Delimited parameters that reference headers in the examples table. SpecFlow will replace these parameters with values from the table before it tries to match the step against a step definition. Implementation details should be hidden in the step definitions. If you feel compelled to add more, it’s usually a sign that you should split the scenario up into multiple scenarios.


The reason for moving away from these properties is that they do not work when running scenarios in parallel. Given On my application, I have a logged-in customer. We may set up the ScenarioContext in the function Object() , just like any other class. For example, we can use SpecFlow Dependency Injection to get an instance of the scenario context.

What is the SpecFlow feature

Visual Studio extension for working with SpecFlow projects and Gherkin feature files. SpecFlow and SpecFlow.NUnit are the base packages that are required for any type of C# project on SpecFlow and NUnit test framework. Reusable, modular, and maintainable automated tests can be created using BDD. The culture for binding execution and parameter conversion can be specified explicitly, see bindingCulture element. Scenarios are the word used in BDD to describe examples. A scenario describes how a feature should operate when various types/values of input parameters are used.

SpecFlow Suite 3.8

This introductory SpecFlow tutorial will cover everything you need to know about. The entire cycle of software design, development, and testing are pretty complicated. BDD plays an instrumental role as it minimizes the communication gap between the key stakeholders of any software project. This SpecFlow tutorial will help you understand how BDD can be utilized.

What is the SpecFlow feature

SpecFlow 2.x, you have to update the project to SpecFlow 3. This will be best suited for this SpecFlow tutorial for using SpecFlow Selenium C#. Before updating to the latest version of SpecFlow, it is recommended that you take a back-up of the project as you may encounter build/compilation errors after the update.

How to generate step definition is the specflow?

You can annotate a single method with multiple attributes in order to support different phrasings in the feature file for the same automation logic. Cucumber is a program that reads plain text Gherkin syntax specification files and executes those specs using ruby files. Net ‘port’ that uses Gherkin syntax files but connects them to. BDD may generate reusable, modular, and maintainable automated tests.

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